Destinee Rea returns to the role of Wendy in Pedro Pan at the NYC Fringe Festival. Based on the real life events of Operación Pedro Pan, a young boy, Pedro, is sent alone to the U.S. to escape the dangers of 1962 Havana, Cuba. Along his journey, in America, he meets new friends and family who teach him to love and accept his story.

"And the requisite Wendy (because what is Peter Pan without Wendy?) is boldly played by Destinee Rea with spunk, humor, and a killer singing voice."- Leta Tremblay NYTHEATRE NOW "Wendy (played to perfection by Destinee Rea), a stunning girl from Alabama whose family moved to New York to avoid being persecuted for the color of their skin, feels like a stranger in her own country... she teaches Pedro that we are all “Beautiful” in one of the tear-jerking numbers of the night." - Antonio Minino THEATRE IS EASY "...his friends played Joey Lozada and Destinee Rea, whose charming personalities make the audience wish they were children again to be able to play with them. Especially Destinee, whose powerful voice made everyone stop and listen." - Nelson Diaz- Marcano Manhattan With a Twist